Thanks. I guess I'll write the tag... bummer. I suspect that the 'outer' scope should be made available, surely there will be other use cases for it.


Serge Knystautas wrote:

Rick Ross wrote:

Hi all,

I have a simple jsp that I used to include statically to pages when I needed to see what variables were in all of the implicit objects (parameters, session etc). For example:
<c:forEach items='${pageScope}' var='page'>

Now I want to convert it to a tag file, but the problem is that the pageScope inside a tag file is a fresh clean pageScope, as demanded by the Spec. I want access to the original pageScope as well. Any one know if this scope is available via the EL?

This doesn't really have anything to do with EL. You can't access this other scope. Alternatives might be:
1. iterate through the pageContext attributes and store them in a Map in a request attriubte.
2. create a custom tag instead of an include file. then the tag would exist in the same page scope.
3. do a static include, so you're just inlining that separate file and you stay in the same page scope.

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