Hi everybody ,

Recently I've encountered a very annoying behavior of fmt taglib (JSTL).

I am using some bundle ,called "audioLabels" to localize some messages in my JSP/VXML 
application. The problem is that I CAN not change the locale it uses, no matter what I 
do with the <fmt:setLocale> tag. It uses the default file "audioLablels.properties" 
file or the default system language file "audioLablels_us.properties" file. The 
application seems to "ignore" my statements such this :

<fmt:setLocale value="${settingsQuery.rows[0].AudioLanguage}" scope="session"/>

Where the settingsQuery.rows[0].AudioLanguage == ru , for example.

Does anybody know why can this happen ? I've tried to download the latest taglibs 
release and nothing helped

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