I had the same issue.

Here's the fix:

Move your declaration before the forEach loop.

    <jsp:useBean id="paramMap" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="page">

> <c:forEach var="topMenuItem" items="${topMenu}">
>   <c:choose>
>     <c:when test="${topMenuItem.menuItemName eq currentPageName}">
>       <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabselected">
>       <img src="<c:out
value="${commonImagePath}/page_name_left_selected.gif"/>" border="0">
>     <c:otherwise>
>       <c:set target="${paramMap}" property="pageName"
>       <c:set target="${paramMap}" property="menuBlock"
>         <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabunselected">

With each iteration, the set will overwrite the previous

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Struts Evangelist

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joanne L Corless [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 10:28 AM
> Subject: Using jsp:useBean within a c:forEach loop - Having problems
> Hi,
> I am building an application based around struts that needs a 
> number of
> html:link's building in the JSP. I have successfully built the
> functionality using a single parameter, however I need to use multiple
> parameters passed into the struts action.
> It is sort of working using a jsp:useBean and setting the parameters,
> however this works only for the first object in the list. All 
> the other
> item's in the list display the correct name but the 
> parameters are the same
> as the first object.
> Is this because the bean has been set into the page scope and 
> if it is how
> can I fix this ?
> The code in the page is below:
> <c:forEach var="topMenuItem" items="${topMenu}">
>   <c:choose>
>     <c:when test="${topMenuItem.menuItemName eq currentPageName}">
>       <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabselected">
>       <img src="<c:out value="
> ${commonImagePath}/page_name_left_selected.gif"/>" border="0">
>       </td>
>       <td valign="bottom" background="<c:out value="
> ${commonImagePath}/page_name_mid_selected.gif" />" 
> align="center" class
> ="tabselected" nowrap style="background-repeat: repeat-x;">
>            <span class="tabselected"><c:out value="
> ${topMenuItem.menuItemName}"/></span>
>       </td>
>       <td valign="bottom" align="left" class="tabselected">
>       <img src="<c:out value="
> ${commonImagePath}/page_name_right_selected.gif"/>" border="0">
>       </td>
>     </c:when>
>     <c:otherwise>
>      <jsp:useBean id="paramMap" class="java.util.HashMap" 
> scope="page">
>       <c:set target="${paramMap}" property="pageName" value="
> ${topMenuItem.menuItemName}"/>
>       <c:set target="${paramMap}" property="menuBlock" value="
> ${topMenuItem.link}"/>
>     </jsp:useBean>
>         <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabunselected">
>         <html:link action="/changePage"
>                name="paramMap">
>         <img src="<c:out value="
> ${commonImagePath}/page_name_left_unselected.gif"/>" border="0">
>       </html:link>
>       </td>
>       <td valign="bottom" background="<c:out value="
> ${commonImagePath}/page_name_mid_unselected.gif" />" 
> align="center" class
> ="tabselected" nowrap style="background-repeat: repeat-x;">
>        <html:link action="/changePage"
>                name="paramMap">
>          <span class="tabselected"><c:out value="
> ${topMenuItem.menuItemName}"/></span>
>       </html:link>
>       </td>
>       <td valign="bottom" align="left" class="tabunselected">
>        <html:link action="/changePage"
>                name="paramMap">
>         <img src="<c:out value="
> ${commonImagePath}/page_name_right_unselected.gif"/>" border="0">
>       </html:link>
>       </td>
>     </c:otherwise>
>   </c:choose>
> </c:forEach>
> I would really appreciate some help with this
> Regards
> Joanne Corless
> CSC Computer Sciences Limited
> (   Office +44 (0)1772 318025
> ( Mobile +44 (0)7767 656588
> Based at: CSC, Alliance House, Library Road, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7EN
> CSC Computer Sciences Limited: Registered in England, No. 963578.
> Registered office: Royal Pavilion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, 
> Hampshire,
> GU11 1PZ.
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