hey all,
I'm playing around and trying to get the jstl 
internationalization tags working with struts. It's proving 
a bit more of a headache than I'd like.

I made the usual changes and eventually figured out that the 
1.0.0 release (included in the struts 1.1 contrib dir) is 
seriously broken.

Now I'm trying to work out the best way to allow users to 
change locale. Right now I've had to put a


at the top of every jsp page using fmt tags otherwise the 
fmt tags do not pick up on locale changes.

(I've tried using
session.setAttribute(Config.FMT_LOCALE, locale);

in the action where I normally change locale but that didn't 
work (it was suggested in the archives somewhere.)

Does anyone know how I can change the fmt locale as part of 
an action (ie not using the fmt tags)?

i had to change the URI of the fmt tag to be "http://
java.sun.com/jstl/fmt" before it would work properly.

Are there any other tag libraries with such a "feature"?


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