Hey Nic,

First of all if you have some concrete code, please supply it. Helps a lot in understanding exactly what you mean...

   I have an outlet table in my database, and each outlet has a color.
Typically, an outlet has three colors, meaning three entries with the
same outlet name, different info and different color.

I am creating an 'Update/Edit' page that has a forTokens loop to edit all
three colors on the same page

<c:forTokens items="B,O,G" delims="," var="color">

that queries the database for that color and displays the information
about it

    I want to pass over this to another page that will take the
information and for the correct color, do an SQL update ie:

update outlet set blah where outlet='###' and color='RESPECTIVE COLOR'

- Since the 'select' tags all have the same name, I thought about using a
paramValues loop and iterate through each one, but I would need a seperate
array for colors and have it iterate each time, how do I do that in JSTL?

What 'select' tags?

- I also thought about throwing the color into the select tag:

<input type="text" name="<c:out value ="${color}"/>switch" value="<c:out

and doing the same on the other end, which did not work:

<sql:param value="${param.<c:out value="${color}"/>switch}"/>

This is a simple one. Using <c:out> in a html statement will work. On the server, the <c:out> is parsed and the web browser just sees the value it created. In the sql:param however, this cannot work. The JSP parser has to parse both the <c:out> and the <sql:param>. So you cannot nest tags within tags. What might work would be:

<sql:param value=""${param.color}switch"/>

Or is there some way that I'm too frazzled to see?

Think the above way will work nicely, but you could also put the color you're currently editing in the session using <c:set/> and then retrieve it using <c:out> or something.



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