For an internal URL, try the equivalent JSP:

String path = request.getParameter("pageURL");
RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(path);
rd.include(request, response);

It seems to behave the same way. With TC 4.1.29, I don't see any log info about the include, but on WLS 8.1.2 I get the following:

...<Included resource or file "/foo.jsp" not found from requested resource "/import.jsp".>

No exceptions are thrown, however, just an error logged.

James Watkin wrote:

I'm not an expert in this area, but after looking at the spec:
it seems like a JspException should be thrown, even for internal URLs. It's quite possible that I'm overlooking something though.

- Jim

At 05:50 PM 1/22/2004 -0500, you wrote:

I think this is addressed in the 7.4 <c:import> section of the JSTL 1.0 Spec. There's an explanation of how errors are handled for internal vs. external resources. Give it a look and see if it helps.

James Watkin wrote:

There seems to be an inconsistent behavior in the way <c:import> throws errors for non-existent files. When the <c:import> url attribute is an in-context-jsp (like pageHeader.jsp) that doesn't exist, no error is thrown. However, when the url attribute is a "file:" that doesn't exist, an error is thrown. Can anyone confirm, or explain this behavior?
I'm using the following pattern:
<c:catch var="importError">
<c:import url="${param.pageURL}"/>
<c:if test="${not empty importError}">
<c:out value="${importError.message}"/>
Thank you.
- Jim
James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
The Anderson School at UCLA
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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______________________________ James Watkin ACIS Software Development The Anderson School at UCLA [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voice: 1-310-825-5030 Fax: 1-310-825-4835 ______________________________

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