Hi All,

I am restricted to using struts 1.0 at the moment and have run into a
problem with indexed properties. 

I have an ActionForm with a member variable of an array of
userProducts. I am having trouble updating the properties of each user
product that is in the page.

What type of setter/getter do i need for the array in the form. The
dynaForm of 1.1 seems to deal with this transparently.

In my JSP I have 

<logic:iterate name="userProductsForm" property="userProducts" 
indexId="i"  type="userprofile.presentation.UserProducts">
           <input type="text"  name="userProductsForm"
property='<%="userProductsAt["+i+"].name" %>" />

This generates the followiung html for that element:

<input type="text" name="userProductsForm"
property="userProductsAt[0].name" />

In the UserProductsForm I have a method that returns the userProducts
for a particular index

public UserProduct getUserProductsAt(int index)
    retrun this.userProducts[index];

When I submit the form the array in the form is not being updated, I
presume it's because there is no setter on the form for the userProducts
array that corresponds to the format used in the jsp page.  Have you any
ideas on how to do this.  I'm not allowed to move to struts 1.1, as our
application server does not support it.

Best Regards,

Niall Lynch.

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