On 02/25/2004 12:16 PM Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
<fmt:setLocale value="nl_NL"/>
<fmt:formatDate value="${obj}"
timeZone="Europe/London" type="time"/>

I want to keep the language english... possible? IE, say that we are in The Netherlands, but work in English ... otherwise it will try to locate Dutch resource bundles which ain't there.

And should the locale indicate the country where the
server is situated (NL), or the country from where the
application is operated (UK)?

I know that in <fmt:message> there is a deficiency which means that date formatting of parameters to the message does not happen.

It may well be fixed in a nightly build. I haven't checked for a few months!

Don't worry about not having Dutch resource bundles. There is a very good algorithm for auto-selecting the correct resource bundle based on what is available and what is specified as acceptable in your request-headers. i.e. if your request-header says "NL", but there is no NL bundle, then the taglib will give you the webapps default (specified in web.xml or the bundle with no _en or _nl file-name suffix).


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