In the second choice what did you mean? (sorry my english skills)

a) servlet (post some data) and redirect to a JSP for some other choice
b) JSP use a servlet or some kind of component

Any case, it has to do with what is the arquitecture of your solution. You know, if you are building a nice layered system it's no good to use ANY sql stuff at visual level (JSP). But, if DB access is ok on your JSP, great.

If you meant (a) then you are propossing that JSP receives the values to offer from the servlet... hmm.. I'd choose that only if you are using JSP as an utilitary template, not as a visual representation of some portion of the problem domain. If it does represent something meaning, it's better to encapsulate the logic in the JSP, or some internal component (again the layer thing), not distributing the clients the resposability (the client is the referrer servlet).

a) template JSP, a referrer gives the values
b) monolitic system/JSP, JSP obtains the values with a sql
c) layered system, JSP queries a component with the logic encapsulated

Hope it helps!

At 16:52 11/05/2004 -0400, you wrote:
What is the general consensus on the sql tag? I want to fill a drop down with values from a table in a database. Is it better to use the sql tag in the jsp or do it in the servlet the jsp is called from? Or is in 6 of one, half-dozen of the other?


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