I don't know if this is related to your problem but JSTL 1.0.x binary release came bundled with a xalan and xerces implementation. Different implementations of the xml classes also exist in JDK 1.4.2 which maybe causing a conflict. The conflicts however don't typically occur on standard.jar.

One thing to help you get to the bottom of your problem is to bundle the JSTL implementation jar's in your web application's WAR file. The container should pick them up there. If that works then you can move on to figuring out why the classes are not picked up from the APP-INF/lib directory by the container's classloader.


Iñigo Serrano wrote:


I have a problem with JSTL 1.0 and Weblogic 8.1 SP2. I
have put the libraries (standard.jar and jstl.jar) in
the APP-INF/lib (it is obligatory to put all the libs
here. Norms of the host provider...) of the EAR and in
Windows2000 with JDK 1.4.1 it works but in Solaris 8
with JDK 1.4.2 it dosn´t work.

The problem is that the weblogic dosn´t find the
classes of the standard.jar (ClassNotFoundException).

It is some problem with this configuration ?

Is someone using this configuration and works ?

Thanks in advance


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