I would say there are several basic ideas here:

1. Use a JSP 2.0 container, like Tomcat 5.  The JSTL is implemented
natively there.

2. Use solution 1.

3. Build a second tag library that's implemented exactly like Struts-EL.
Each tag class in Struts-EL is a subclass of the corresponding tag in
the base library, and the only functionality in the Struts-EL tag is to
pass the attribute value through the EL engine from the Jakarta JSTL

4. Do not build a tag library that implements your business logic AND
references the Jakarta EL engine.  When you move to a JSP 2.0 container,
you'll then have to spend more time yanking it out.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:15 PM
> Subject: passing JSTL to custom tag attribute
> Hi, 
>      I wish to call a custom tag, passing a dynamic value for 
> its attribute. I retrieve the value thus:
> <c:set var="userid" value="${param.userid}"/>
> and I wish to call my custom tag passing 'userid' as an 
> attribute. Curently I have:
> <my:execute userid="${userid}">
> but the literal string "${userid}" is passed into the 
> handler. To acheive the desired results I could of course use:
> <my:execute userid="<%= request.getParameter("userid") %>">
> but that would mean embedding JSP, when I wish to encompass 
> all logic in tags. Does anyone have any suggestions how I 
> might pass the JSTL value, dynamically to the attribute of my 
> custom tag please?
> Thanks
> Paul.

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