I've setup two pages where I can basically type a query in, and the second page does the sql work. However, I'm trying to use the URLDecoder statement to format my query, and it throws an error whenever I have a query with the '%' sign:

URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string: "')"

Is there a workaround or JSTL equivalent for this? Here is the formatting code, I'm not too strong in this area, so any help would be appreciated.

- Nic.
<%-- The query comes in here, and we format it appropriately --%>
<c:set var="query"><%= URLDecoder.decode(request.getParameter("query")) %></c:set>
<%-- Then we drop it into a sql query command, once again formatting --%>
<c:set var="newquery"><c:out value='${query}' escapeXml="false"/></c:set>

<c:catch var="error">
<sql:query var="search"><c:out value="${newquery}" escapeXml="false"/></sql:query>
<c:out value="${query}"/>
<c:out value="${error}"/>

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