I'm not sure how Struts is going to help you here. IIRC, you wanted to update a
cached document with values from request parameters, or at least represent the
request parameters as a document, is that right? If so, it seems like the place
to do that sort of thing would be in a Servlet Filter. Depending on what you'd
like to do (update existing DOM, create DOM from parameters, create XML text
from parameters), there are probably a number of different ways to slice it.

Quoting Murray Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Anyway, it seems to me that if JSTL is inconsistent by not allowing the XML 
> to be modified. After all, the <c:set> tag has a "target" attribute. If 
> it's OK for <c:set> then why is it not OK for <x:set>?
> For example:
>          <x:set target="$myXML/myElement/@myAttribute" select="SomeValue" />
> Never mind. The fact is that I can't do this and my JSP was getting messy 
> enough anyway without putting in extra workarounds to modify my XML data.
> I'm going to bite the bullet now and try Struts (I tried XForms but it was 
> a waste of time due to limits in the implementations).
> Murray

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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