If you don't know java it could be a bit painful but there is a really
cool example in a jdbc book I just read.  Database Programming with JDBC
and Java   published by O'Reilly.  In chapter 10 near the end there is a
section on searches.

I think I've seen the same thing on the web somewhere as an example

Anyhow I think it is really cool.  You could probably extend it one
more step and make a tag of it.  I might even be willing to help with
this task.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/3/2004 9:29:50 AM >>>
I know this might not be a pure JSTL thing, but if anyone could offer 
some pointers, I'd appreciate it:

I've got a search page thing going on in JSP (JSTL), and I want to be 
able to search on any of the fields that are entered, basically an AND

filter. So as to not create dynamic SQL queries, I use the below SQL

<query part here.......>
and nvl(d.cable,' ') like nvl(?,'%')  and
nvl( d.pair , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')  and
nvl( to_char(d.prefix) , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')  and
nvl( upper(d.lname) , ' ') like upper(nvl(?,'%')) and
nvl( upper(d.fname) , ' ') like upper(nvl(?,'%')) and
nvl( to_char(d.DN) , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')   and
nvl( to_char(d.TN) , ' ') like nvl(?,'%')    and
nvl( upper(d.DEPT_CD) , ' ') like  nvl(?,'%')
sql:param value="${param.cable}"/>
<sql:param value="%${param.pair}%"/>
<sql:param value="${param.prefix}"/>
<sql:param value="%${param.lname}%"/>
<sql:param value="%${param.fname}%"/>
<sql:param value="%${param.dn}%"/>
<sql:param value="${param.dept_cd}"/>

This works well, except all the 'like' statements really bog down the 
Oracle system. Can anyone suggest a way to dynamically create the above

query portion, only putting in the statements that actually have data?

     I don't know much Java, but this seems like an applicable language

to create the text, but PL/SQL seems viable also. JSTL might be 
inappropriate for this. Any thoughts? Am I reinventing the wheel?


- Nic.

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