Do you have an entry like the following in web.xml:


This sets up a default resource bundle (WEB-INF/classes/ for
JSTL's fmt tags.

Quoting Lorenzo Sicilia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi to all,
> I have search in ML archive but I don't found any post about that.
> I have this snipets:
> <%-- sending confirm mail --%>
> <mt:mail>
>       <mt:server></mt:server>
>       <mt:from>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</mt:from>
>       <mt:subject><fmt:message key="mail.subject" /></mt:subject>
>       <mt:setrecipient type="to"><c:out value="${}" 
> /></mt:setrecipient>
>       <mt:message type="text">
>               <fmt:message key="mail.text.header" /><br/>
>               <fmt:message key="user.full_name" /><c:out 
> value="${user.full_name}"/><br/>
>               <fmt:message key="user.nick_name" /><c:out 
> value="${user.nick_name}"/><br/>
>               <fmt:message key="user.pswd"      /><c:out value="${user.pswd}"/><br/>
>               TODO: altri dati a piacere<br/>
>               <c:out value="${}" />
>               <fmt:message key="welcome" />
>               <fmt:message key="mail.text.footer" />
>       </mt:message>
>       <mt:send>
>               <mt:error id="error_mail" >
>               </mt:error>
>       </mt:send>
> </mt:mail>
> The mail is send fine but <fmt:message> cannot be resolved.
> The email output is:
> ???mail.text.header???<br/>
> ???user.full_name???full_name<br/>
> ???user.nick_name???arnor3<br/>
> ???user.pswd???123456789<br/>
> TODO: altri dati a piacere<br/>
> ???welcome???
> ???mail.text.footer???
> I use
> Any idea?
> regards Lorenzo Sicilia
> --
> KEMEN srl

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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