The web.xml has info about your application like the taglibs to use. So, if you put an empty web.xml file the tags you used for your iteration aren't converted to java code and compiled. :-)

Maybe if you don't put a web.xml tomcat includes a default one, I don't know (or the IDE you are using).

For recompiling all pages... hmm... maybe there is a polite thing but what I know is deleting the cached compiled pages. There are at <tomcat>/work/<host>/<app>. I don't think it works for reloading the web.xml. Any way, you wouldn't have to worry about recompiling jsps.

IDEs for Java (I use JBuilder 6) offers running and debugging with their own tomcat servers. There are initiated every time you want to run or debug. It's very comfortable to use it, you don't worry about reloading and all that stuff.

Hope it helps!

At 15:58 19/08/2004 -0500, you wrote:

1st of all, b gentle w/ me...i'm just getting into this stuff. i'm
trying to use jstl stuff in a webapp on jakarta 5.0.27. i created my
directory in webapps and placed the two .jar files in the WEB-INF/lib
directory. from there, i just copied the SimpleRange.jsp file from the
examples into my webapps directory. i then stop and restart jakarta
and run the page. it works great! i get this returned:

Simple Range Iteration 1 to 10 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 •

however, if i create any sort of web.xml file inside WEB-INF for my webapp (at least the variations i tried), the page does not work properly. i created a very simple empty web.xml file like this:



anyway, with a web.xml file present, i get the following when trying
to run the page (after starting and stopping):

Simple Range Iteration
1 to 10
${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} • ${i} •

what in the world am i doing wrong? also (unrelated) how do i force a recompile of my pages?


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