You can't use one tag as an attribute value for another tag...

Quoting kalyan inuganti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I have some thing like - 
> <c:choose>
>                               <c:when test='${registrationForm.dobYear !=
> ""}'>
>                                   <date:complete monthName="dobMonth"
> dayName="dobDay" yearName="dobYear" dayValue="<c:out
> value='${registrationForm.dobDay}'/>"
> monthValue="<c:out
> value='${registrationForm.dobMonth}'/>"
> yearValue="<c:out
> value='${registrationForm.dobYear}'/>" /> 
>                               </c:when>
>                              <c:otherwise>
>                                   <date:complete monthName="dobMonth"
> dayName="dobDay" yearName="dobYear" /> 
>                              </c:otherwise>
>                           </c:choose>
> However, the value that is being passed to the
> date:complete tag for dayValue, monthValue, and
> yearValue are the exact strings eg. <c:out
> value='${registrationForm.dobMonth}'/>. If i print the
> same thing out on the page it prints the value. It
> looks pretty obvious to me that nesting the tags is
> blocking interpretation of the inner tag. Any
> suggestions please?
> Thanks,
> -kalyan

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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