Hallo, I hope this is the right group to ask TAG-lib related questions. Unfortunately, generic Java forums tend to be way too bad at answering this kind of questions.

I am implementing a tag-lib. One of the tags requires (or better allows)
nested internal tags to better define the meaning of the top tag.

string 1
<lib:tag attr="a">
  <lib:inside_tag attr2="b" />
  <lib:inside_tag attr2="c" />
  <lib:inside_tag attr2="d" />
string 2

I have implemented this and it works. My only problem is that there are
a bunch of carriage returns and white spaces in the output that I would
like to avoid. In practice, I am getting this

string 1

tag output string2 -------------------------------------------------- while what I really want is:

string 1
tag output

since the internal tags only add info to the main tag and have no output
per se.

Right now I am using


at the end of the onStartTag() method....

Is there a way to tell the JSP engine to parse the tags but
discard the output?

thank you


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