It may be complicated, but it's the only way it's going to work. ;-)
That is, short of modifying the container itself...

If you think about it, it's not all that surprising. The page compiler
generates Java code from the JSP page, and that Java code is compiled
into a servlet. What you are asking for is the resultant servlet
itself to have the capability to dynamically (at execution time) run
the page compiler and then the Java compiler without actually having
source files to start from, or class files to write to. Theoretically
possible, but a huge amount of work - and a lot more complicated than
generating JSP pages and running them through the container in the
normal way! ;-)

Martin Cooper

On Tue, 31 Aug 2004 20:01:25 +0100, Graeme Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Try saving the output to another jsp file (dynamic.jsp) and redirecting
> the client to that page
> It would be complicated to save the output to another jsp file and redirect
> to that because:
> (a) the output from <x:transform> is only a fragment of an XHTML page
> (b) in a multiuser environment I would be creating separate temporary files
> for each session and that starts to sound like maintenance nightmare.
> Graeme
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