
Option 1:

I don't know where userInfo.firstName came from but
it says something about

operator[] (null)
like the getProperty method is returning null.
You could ensure what it's returning via a <c:out /> (and commenting the problematic tag)

Option 2:

getProperty is returning "userInfo.firstName"
and there isn't a property with this name in the MyFormBean class
(I guess properties cannot have dots).

At 10:32 02/09/2004 -0500, you wrote:

We must be close.  I tried this:

<c:out value="${formBean[]}"/> (Assume that evaluates to a String of userInfo.firstName)

And the container threw this exception:

[ServletException in:/jsp/registration/registerDisplay.jsp] An error
occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "value" with value
"${formBean[]}": Unable to find a value for
"userInfo.firstName" in object of class "app.MyFormBean" using operator "[]"
(null)' javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: An error occurred while evaluating
custom action attribute "value" with value
"${formBean[]}": Unable to find a value for
"userInfo.firstName" in object of class "app.MyFormBean" using operator "[]"
(null) at

Like I said before, I want c:out to output the resulting String of
formBean.getUserInfo.getFirstName, but it won't do it.  Any more ideas??  I
have to believe this can be done somehow using these tags.

-----Original Message----- From: Helios Alonso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 9:48 AM To: Tag Libraries Users List Subject: Re: Dynamic Expressions for Struts-EL and JSTL

So, you could change this:

>String expr = "formBean." +

to this:


(If I understood you have a layoutObject with a property saying which
property read from formBean).

At 08:37 02/09/2004 -0500, you wrote:

>I'm using the Struts-EL and JSTL custom tag implementations in my Web app.
>I want to use the c:out tag to output dynamic data.  The tricky part is I
>want to dynamically build the EL expression at runtime by building up a
>String that should be evaluated.  I don't want to output the String, I want
>the String to be evaluated by the expression engine and then that written
>out.  An example follows below.
>//Assume that after this line runs, expr has a value of
>//This is the expression I want evaluated
>String expr = "formBean." +
>pageContext.setAttribute("expr", expr);
><c:out value="Expression Value is: ${expr}" />
>The c:out tag above renders the text Expression Value is:
>  .
>This isn't what I want -- I want it to evaluate the
>down to an expression, and then spit out the value of that expression
>(basically, formBean.getProperty().getValue() ).
>Interestingly, if I "hard code" the expression, it works:
><c:out value="${}"/>
>The only problem is I need to dynamically change this expression at
>Can this be done?  If so, how?  I'm hoping so otherwise I'll have a
>of new code to write.  Also, is there a more elegant way to do what I show
>in the example above, like using tags instead of scriptlets?  I don't care
>if I use Struts-EL tags, JSTL tags, or both.
>Thank you very much!!
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