Thank you, Rahul. You answered my question. :)
Anyway, I think I'm having setup problem. The content returns from date-test.jsp has
    <script src="/rdc-examples/.grammar/nbest.js"/>
    <var name="dateResultNBest" expr="serializeNBest()"/>
    <submit next="/rdc-examples/date-test.jsp;jsessionid=4C96B24FB06E4408691A9BB
08E4E84F7" namelist="dateResultNBest"/>

It shouldn't have it since I didn't use "submit" attribute in <rdc:date>, correct?
Besides installing rdc-examples.war from jakarta-taglibs-sandbox-rdc-20040921.tar.gz, 
do I need to do anything else?
Thanks again,

Rahul P Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't understand what you mean by "generate RDC with element". 
A RDC can be used in any VoiceXML form, and whether that form is 
referenced as a subdialog elsewhere does not change the RDC behavior (and 
hence, you shouldn't have to "create a RDC that can be used in 

The underlying principle that might help here is the fact that whenever a 
RDC completes execution (and hence, has a value that is legal within the 
constraints set via the tag attributes) its value appears as a PageContext 
variable with the same name as the ID of the RDC. As an example, here is a 
parent VXML page (which might as well be a JSP page):


Value is expr="subdia.dateReturned" />

Where test.jsp is like so (Grab date-test.jsp from the examples in the 
distribution and replace the element with the following):

confirm="true" echo="true" />

Note that you are doing nothing special because the RDC is within a 
referenced as a .


Soonthorn A wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone has an example that generate RDC with element? 
> I just learn about jsp taglib today and looked at RDC's tag lib files 
and config files. I couldn't find anything relate to . Is
> VoiceXML's element in your current model? 
> Basically, what I tried to do is to create a RDC that can be used in 
> Thanks,
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