Hi I have a mysql database that I is storing the data correctly however if that data is of type blob or text or mediumblob or any other large string object and I try to display that long string I get something like this: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or this [EMAIL PROTECTED] back on the <c:out

this is the code I am using?

<sql:query var="commentQuery">
SELECT * FROM soapBoxComments WHERE weblogID = '<c:out value="${param.id}"/>'

<c:forEach items="${commentQuery.rows}" var="row">
<br /><c:out value="${row.commentUserName}" />
<br /><c:out value="${row.commentUserEmail}" />
<br /><c:out value="${row.commentBody}" />
<div class="boxFooter bgLimeGreen uppercase white alignRight">&nbsp;</div>

Now the <c:out value="${row.commentBody}" /> is the data type blob.

Any suggestions. All other data-types are fine.


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