Updated my proposed fix to mimic the setNestedProperty() method.

            if (bean instanceof Map) {
                // check to see if the class has a standard property 
                PropertyDescriptor descriptor = 
                    getPropertyDescriptor(bean, next);
                if (descriptor == null) {
                    // no - get the value
                        bean = ((Map) bean).get(next);
                } else {
                    // yes - use that instead
                    bean = getMappedProperty(bean, next);
            } else if (indexOfMAPPED_DELIM >= 0) {

Douglas Ross
Developer, HTML UI Framework
Voice: (978) 947-4305
Fax: (978) 256-2474
Smaller, Faster, Sharper, Easier(tm)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross, Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 4:42 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty() and java.util.Map handling
suggestion/question ....

  An application class that implements java.util.Map has special get/set
methods. I would like the special methods to be invoked when action form
is being populated from the request and when the html taglib accesses
the data from this class. But because this class implements Map,
PropertyUtils shortcuts to the Map.get() method, thus causing my
application to fail.

  In this example, item is my class which implements Map.

<html:text property="item.firstName" /> 
PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty() calls item.get("firstName"). 

Now I want to use my special method:
<html:text property="item.specialGetMethod(firstName)" />

PropertyUtils shortcuts to Map.get() method and calls
item.get("specialGetMethod(firstName)"). The key
"specialGetMethod(firstName)" does not exist. 

What I want obviously is PropertyUtils to defer to the
getMappedProperty() which would correctly call

  Change the getNestedProperty to test the name parameter to see if it
is a mapped method + MAPPED_DELIM + value + MAPPED_DELIM2. If it is then
skip the shortcut. Here is some sample code which works in my

public static Object PropertyUtils::getNestedProperty(Object bean,
String name)
            throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
            NoSuchMethodException {
        . . .
            String next = name.substring(0, indexOfNESTED_DELIM);
            indexOfMAPPED_DELIM = next.indexOf(MAPPED_DELIM);
            indexOfMAPPED_DELIM2 = next.lastIndexOf(MAPPED_DELIM2);
            // test: method(value); ignore: (value)
                boolean useMappedProperty = (indexOfMAPPED_DELIM > 0)
                        && (indexOfMAPPED_DELIM2 == (name.length() -

            if (bean instanceof Map && !useMappedProperty) {
                bean = ((Map) bean).get(next);
            } else if (indexOfMAPPED_DELIM >= 0) {
                bean = getMappedProperty(bean, next);
            } else if (indexOfINDEXED_DELIM >= 0) {
                bean = getIndexedProperty(bean, next);
            } else {
                bean = getSimpleProperty(bean, next);
        . . .

  What is the rationale behind the current design? I understand the Map
shortcut, but why does it ignore the fact that the property may be a
method name *and* value?

Has this issue been addressed in a newer version?

Any suggestions?

  Struts 1.1, JRun 4.0

PropertyUtils class: 
anutils/PropertyUtils.java,v 1.38 2003/01/15 21:59:39 rdonkin Exp $
$Revision: 1.38 $
$Date: 2003/01/15 21:59:39 $

Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions.


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