

Please forgive me if a solution to this problem is common knowledge.  


I am having some trouble with my servlet response buffer resulting in
two symptoms: 1) IllegalStateException/"Response has already been
committed" errors when I use some JSTL tags some of the time (just as
c:import, c:include, fmt:formatDate, and fmt:formatNumber), and 2) the
first X bytes of the response being truncated such that only the last Y
bytes are returned to the client (no error, just truncation).  I'm
guessing that the underlying problem of these two symptoms is related.
I have read that this type of problem may be caused by the way some JSTL
tags handle localization and I've heard that setting the response buffer
size (response.setBufferSize(int bytes)) so that it has more room is one
possible solution.  I haven't, however, been able to successfully
resolve these symptoms by calling setBufferSize (tried in JSP as well as
at the Struts action level) and giving it a few hundred KB of space.


Can anyone please provide further insight into the problem, how I can
troubleshoot it, and/or possible fixes?


Thank you very much,


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