
I'm trying to use JSTL to open a file on the server and process it line 
by line. So to read in the file, I'm using the <c:import> tag with the 
varReader attribute, which returns a java.io.Reader instead of a 
String. But I can't seem to find a way to use the varReader with either 
the <c:forEach> or <c:forTokens> tag to loop through each line in the 
file. The data in the file is just a list of names. I could use 
<c:import> with the var attribute instead of the varReader, and then 
use <c:forTokens>, but then it doesn't treat newlines as delimiters. 
When I put "\n" as the delimiter for <c:forTokens>, it takes it to use 
either the backslash or the character 'n' as the delimiters. Does 
anyone know how I can do what I'm trying to do in JSTL?

To bascially sum it all up, I want to read in a text file containing a 
list of names, and loop through each line. I want to validate the name, 
then add it to a database if the name is valid. I can take care of all 
the database part using the <sql:query> tag. I just need some help with 
tags to do the file processing part.


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