I concluded that your EL are not evaluated. I think you have to use
<%@ page isELIgnored="false"%>
in your jsp.

I hope this will solve your problem. You can also refer to

Let me know the result.

Best regards
Keshav Shetty

Robert Simmons Jr. wrote:


I have a tag that I created to allow integration with my back end. I am using the Jakarta astandard taglibs extensively in the application but I am a bit of a taglib newbie and I have a problem. Namely when I use EL expressions in my tag attributes, they get passed verbatim to the tag and never evaluated.

For example, if I use:

<cs:subscriptionInfo targetID="${subID}" nameVar="subName"

Then targetID gets passed the literal string ${subID} which causes the page to
explode since targetID needs to be a long. The TLD for this tag is indicated below:

Fetches information on a particular subscription.

ID of the subscription for which to obtain info.
The variable in which to store the subscription name.
The variable in which to store the subscription description.
The variable in which to store the subscription items.
The variable in which to store the subscription last sequence number.

You can see that I set rtexprvalue to true in all cases yet there is no resolution hapening. The implementation of this tag is shown here:

import java.io.IOException;

import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport;

import com.bmw.candy.candiedServices.SubscriptionAccess;
import com.bmw.candy.candiedServices.data.Subscription;

* Get the information on a subscription and store it in some JSP variables.
public class TagSubscriptionInfo extends SimpleTagSupport {
/** The ID of the subscription to obtain info on. */
private long targetID = -1;

   /** The variable in which to store the subscription name. */
   private String nameVar = null;

   /** The variable in which to store the subscription description. */
   private String descriptionVar = null;

   /** The variable in which to store the subscription items. */
   private String itemsVar = null;

/** The variable in which to store the subscription last sequence number. */
private String sequenceNumVar = null;

public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException {
if (this.targetID < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("targetID"); //$NON-NLS-1$
SubscriptionAccess access = new SubscriptionAccess();
Subscription subscription = access.getSubscriptionInfo(this.targetID);
if (this.nameVar != null) {
getJspContext().setAttribute(this.nameVar, subscription.getName());
if (this.descriptionVar != null) {
if (this.itemsVar != null) {
getJspContext().setAttribute(this.itemsVar, subscription.getItems());
if (this.sequenceNumVar != null) {

* @param descriptionVar The variable in which to store the subscription
public void setDescriptionVar(String descriptionVar) {
this.descriptionVar = descriptionVar;

* @param itemVar The variable in which to store the subscription items.
public void setItemsVar(String itemsVar) {
this.itemsVar = itemsVar;

* @param nameVar The variable in which to store the subscription name.
public void setNameVar(String nameVar) {
this.nameVar = nameVar;

    * @param targetID The ID of the subscription to obtain info on.
   public void setTargetID(long targetID) {
       this.targetID = targetID;

* @param sequenceNumVar The variable in which to store the subscription
last sequence number.
public void setSequenceNumVar(String sequenceNumVar) {
this.sequenceNumVar = sequenceNumVar;

So what Might I be doing wrong? I have googled for this for hours on end with no enlightenment. I am currently using the jsp:attribute tag to work around this but would really like to fix this once and for all.

Thanks in advance.

-- Robert


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