
This is obviously if you are not using JNDI to lookup a datasource.

Schalk Neethling wrote:


Within a servlet I use the following:

public class activateArticle extends HttpServlet {

   public String DRIVER, URL, USER, PASS, message;
             public void init() throws ServletException {
       ServletContext context = getServletContext();
       DRIVER = context.getInitParameter("DRIVER");
       URL = context.getInitParameter("URL");
       USER = context.getInitParameter("USER");
       PASS = context.getInitParameter("PASS");


Jack Lauman wrote:

If I have a datasource in the context-param area of the web.xml file, how can it be called?


pageContext. getServletContext().getInitParameter("insert-context-param-name-here");

Doesn't work here...

private void initialize()
   try {
       Context ctx = null;
       DataSource ds = null;
       Connection conn = null;
       Result result = null;
       try {
           ctx = new InitialContext();
           ds = (DataSource)
       } catch (Exception e) {
       System.out.println("DataSource context lookup failed: " + e);
   try {
       conn = ds.getConnection();
       } catch (Exception e) {
       System.out.println("DataSource getConnection failed: " + e);

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