Hi Joselito

Basically yes you have to set the parameters. The class
DataGridParameters.getDataGridPageIndex method will return the page index
for your datagrid and the DataGridParameters.getDataGridOrderIndex will
return the order index. So if you have a form you will have to do something
like this:

<% request.setAttribute ("pageIndex",
DataGridParameters.getDataGridPageIndex  (request, "datagrid1"));
   request.setAttribute ("orderIndex",
DataGridParameters.getDataGridOrderIndex (request, "datagrid1")); %>

<input name="p_datagrid_datagrid1_page_index"  type="hidden" value="<c:out
<input name="p_datagrid_datagrid1_order_index" type="hidden" value="<c:out


Néstor Boscán

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Joselito Viana Soares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Viernes, 11 de Febrero de 2005 08:42 a.m.
Asunto: ENC: DataGrid - How to set the page?

Hi, Nestor

Excuse me to send to you this email, but I still didn't receive reply of the
my question. The TagLibs mailing list is with problem.

One more time, congratulations by the development. How is the status of the
project? Are there new features? We are testing the DataGrid in our
application and we are liking a lot.


Joselito Soares

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Joselito Viana Soares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviada em:
quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2005 17:03
Para: 'Tag Libraries Users List'
Assunto: DataGrid - How to set the page?


Congratulations by the development. We are testing the datagrid in our
application and we are obtaining good results.
At the moment we have the following problem: We create datagrid with a
column to select the row. When we click a button of our page (for example:
update), we desire that the action is executed and that in the end it
returns to datagrid in the same page where was. Do we need to set the
parameter p_datagrid_datagrid1_page_index? Are there another way?


Joselito Soares

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