Eduardo Yáñez Parareda wrote:
Hello, I don't get escape tag works fine.

<tr><td>'<str:escape>Test"tseT</str:escape>'</td></tr> <tr><td>"<str:escape>Test'tseT</str:escape>"</td></tr>

And this is what I get:


So I don't get single quotes being escaped. Is there any bug with this tag?

Looks like :-)

A quick look at the source shows it's based on the commons-lang code
but that seems fine -- the following:

< import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils"/>
        String foo = "Test\"tseT";
        String bar = "Test'tseT";

:: produces, as expected:


Not sure where the problem is, and no more time to look right now;
maybe later. Or you could file a bug report :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

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