Hello. I am trying to use the session Tag library. I have some confusion
as it it's workings....

  This session is new.
<sess:isNew value="false">
  This session is not new.

Works fine. First time I call the page it says "This session is new." If I
reload the page it says "This session is not new."

When I try this:
  This session is new.
<sess:isNew value="false">

First time I call the page, all is well. The second time I call the page I
get a run time exception: Session is already invalidated.

Can anyone help me see what is wrong with my logic here? I am assuming
that if the session is not new then it is an existing session that I would
like to have invalidated. (This is a login page of my application and I'm
trying to remove my scriptlets....)

Thanks in advance.

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