Rahul P Akolkar wrote the following on 3/7/2005 6:51 PM:

<c:set var='theField' value="${metaProps[fn:replace('field.*.type', '*', fieldNum)]}"/>

Conceptually, a fn:join is a better fit here, but I'm not too keen on creating arrays in JSPs ;-) Finally, if temporary variables is what you're after, 'theField' would be the next in line, although readability has its own benefits.

Thanks Rahul for the info. I'm wondering which would have less overhead behind the scenes... using the replace like you have it above or storing what I want to replace in a temp var? The reason I ask is this operation will have to actually be repeated several times within an outer loop. I looked at fn:join also but that seems like even a bit more work since I'd have to push each item into a String[] first.

So, the two options seem like...

<c:set var="tempVal" value="field.${fieldNum}.type"/>
<c:set var="theField" value="${metaProps[tempVal]}"/>


<c:set var='theField' value="${metaProps[fn:replace('field.*.type', '*',

Behind the scenes I'm sure some String concatenation is taking place with the first set of the tempVal so I'm not sure how efficient that is anyway. The replace code looks a lot cleaner, so I'm leaning towards that solution.

Thanks again,


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