Well, works fine. Mni thx ;-)


David Schwartz wrote:

In your SQL statement use an alias...

SELECT name_${language} As namedLanguage,
FROM countries
ORDER BY name_${language}

In the <option> list...

<option value="<c:out value='${row.iso3166}' />">

now your result column will always have the same, expected name.

Quoting Christoph Pilka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi folks,

anyone knows how to express the following snippet?

<sql:query var="myQuery">
 SELECT name_${language}, iso3166 FROM countries ORDER BY name_${language}
<c:forEach var="row" items="${myQuery.rows}">
 <option value="<c:out value='${row.iso3166}' />">

The expression ${row.name_${language}} is the one making trouble. How to
substitute a variable in a variable?

Mni thx,

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David Schwartz
Array Software Inc.

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