Specifically for the <bean:message> tag, the message resource is
either the bundle attribute (or Globals.MESSAGES_KEY if none
specified), searched in this order:
1) Page scope
2) Request scope
3) Struts Module "scope"
4) Application scope
You may define message resources in (3) and (4) via the struts configs.

Look at http://struts.apache.org/userGuide/struts-bean.html (more
generically, struts-*.html where * is the struts taglib prefix)

Finally, for the bean and logic struts taglibs, here is a note from
the struts team:

"Note: - Some of the features in this taglib are also available in the
JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL). The Struts team
encourages the use of the standard tags over the Struts specific tags
when possible."
[ http://struts.apache.org/userGuide/dev_bean.html ]
[ http://struts.apache.org/userGuide/dev_logic.html ]


On 4/22/05, Jim Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Again,
> Since posting this, I've found the <message-resource> entry in 
> struts-config.xml .
> Am I correct in assuming that the controller init-parm "application" 
> corresponds to the
> to this entry?  It makes sense that it would, I'll play around with it.
> I have also cleared up the question about the .properties extension, and how
> the controller makes use of the ../classes directory.
> Jim
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/22/2005 10:22:28 AM >>>
> Hi,
> I'm tracing through a struts app., and am having trouble determining exactly
> how the Controller servlet sets up the keys which the <bean /> tag uses.
> Here is what I do know.  The web.xml has set up a controller servlet,
> with servlet class = "org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet".
> An init parameter called "application", with a value = "ApplicationResources" 
> has
> been set up.  There is a resource file in ..WEB-INF\classes
> named "ApplicationResources.properties".
> When the servlet is initialized, does it assume the extension, ".properties" 
> when picking this resource up?
> So far, I haven't found any specific reference in the struts documentation to 
> an "application" parameter that the controller servlet uses.   Is this a 
> standard parm passed to the controller?
> It seems to me I'm missing a minor step here.  I appreciate any help.
> Jim
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