A clarification is due, the recent changes do not constitute a release of 
the RDC sandbox taglib, please view Martin's note here for details:


On 4/24/05, Rahul P Akolkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The RDC sandbox taglib [
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/sandbox/doc/rdc-doc/intro.html ] has a
> new features beta 1.0 
> Major Changes:
> 1) Defining Custom Event tuples - It is possible to leverage VoiceXML
> support for user defined event (name, grammar, handler) tuples. These
> tuples can be conveniently added to the RDC configuration files.
> 2) Dialog Context Switching - A recipe for switching dialog contexts 
> the RDC framework i.e. having the ability to leave a task (dialog)
> unfinished, initiate and complete another task and then come back to the
> earlier task, has been demonstrated.
> 3) Multi-channel amazon application - This sample application uses the
> Amazon Web Services to provide users with a Small Device GUI -or- Voice
> User Interface for browsing and buying music albums [ sample 
> are available in rdc-examples.war ]
> 4) More documentation in rdc-doc.war [also available online at:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/sandbox/doc/rdc-doc/index.html ]
> New RDC Tag:
> 1) <rdc:pause> - Pauses until the user resumes the application.
> Modified RDC Tag:
> 1) <rdc:struts-submit> - Added the ability to selectively clear some or
> all of the RDC session state.
> Sandbox source is here [
> http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-taglibs-sandbox/nightly/src/ ]
> RDC binaries are here [
> ]
> RDC revision history is available here [
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/sandbox/doc/rdc-doc/changes.html ]
> -Rahul  Akolkar

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