Does this help? (please see first bullet of question 1)
[ ]


On 5/24/05, Amroz Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Tomcat 5.0.
> I created a simple JSP file.
> ##################  test.jsp
> <html><head>
> <%@ taglib prefix="my" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>
> </head><body>
> <my:mytag myvar="apple" />
> </body>
> </html>
> ###########
> and another tag file
> #################### mytag.tag
> <%@ attribute name="myvar" %>
> <h1>I got an ${myvar} </h1>
> ##############
> when I store my test.jsp in webapps/ROOT
> and mytag.tag in WEB-INF/tags
> directory, it works fine.
> But when I store my test.jsp in another directory (esms-1.0) that is
> for an application ( it is deployed fine) and my mytag.tag file in
> WEB-INF/tags directory inside esms-1.0, it does not work.
> The main problem is that the variable myvar does not get passed to the
> tag file and is displayed in the browser as ${myvar}.
> I looked in the generated Java Code for both of the tag files and I
> got this difference at the place of the variable myvar :
> in the first case:
> out.write((java.lang.String)
> in the second case:
> out.write("${myvar}");
> Please help.
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