Ok, seeing as no one wants to answer my "Tips for improving performance and
optimizing tags" question, let me try something else :)

I have a JSP containing some tags that I developed. It displays quite a lot
of content (couple of hundred rows of data, about 160KB of text). I have
timed the various stages of the response and it takes about 2 sec to get all
the info from the database, then about 2 sec to go through the tags, build
the HTML, etc. But from the moment this is done and the last line of the JSP
has executed it still takes a couple of seconds to display in the browser.
In Firefox at least I get a couple of lines immediately once the page has
finished executing, but in IE it takes another 5 seconds after everything
has completed before I see any data.

Is there maybe a way one can flush data to the browser earlier on, or is
this an IE problem? Putting flush in the JSP also makes no difference, this
time lapse happens after the page has finished executing. It looks like it
is buffering the response and only writing it out once it has received all
the data.

Hope that makes sense and someone can give some constructive advice.

Kind regards,

Marius Botha

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