I'm trying to use the jakarta taglibs on Tomcat 5.0

I created the test application, which works fine with

<c:out value="${someobject}" />, it prints the object or nothing of no object
available in all scopes.

I moved the taglib descriptors to the WEB-INF/tld/ in live application, 
moved the standard,jar and jstl.jar in the WEB-INF/lib, included the 

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c.tld" %>

at the SAME test JSP page as I used on another application, and right now i
see the

${someobject} as the output

In the HTML output there is no <c:out> tag, so I suppose the tag was
recognized and executed, but it was working in a bit strange way.

The foreach tag won't work at all - it displays the contents even in the case
there is no collection object defined at all.

How to fix this?

Eugene N Dzhurinsky

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