Hi -

So I am using the JSTL xml tags for a website I'm working on and am I
running into an issue.  Ideally I'd like to store all of the content in
XML files and populate the corresponding JSP files using the XML tags. 
However, the text contains some markup in it (e.g. bold, italics, etc)
which are ignored by the XML tags (I assume they are treated as nodes
or something).

Setting escapeXml="no" in my x:out statement does not solve the
problem.  Is it possible to do what I am asking?  If not, anyone have a
better idea? Below is a sample snippet from the XML file and the JSP

<page id="1">
        <hdrText>Share your music</hdrText>
        <desc><strong>Share music</strong> with friends and family through
email, IM, blogs or your website.</desc>

<x:forEach select="$data//page[1]">
        <ul class="guideGridList">
                <li style="background:url(/<x:out select="imgSrc" 
escapeXml="no" />)
no-repeat 50% 50%;" class="guideImg"></li>
                <li class="guideText">
                                <a href="/<x:out select="hdrLink" 
escapeXml="no"  />"><x:out
select="hdrText" escapeXml="no"  /></a><br />
                                <x:out select="desc" escapeXml="no"  />

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