On 8/31/05, Luca Passani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Martin Cooper wrote:
> >
> >Done. I think. At least, everything seems to have worked out, so it 
> should
> >be available in the next nightly build of Unstandard.
> >
> >
> will I need to wait tomorrow to download? great. I am eager to try it.

Urk. I just checked, and it looks like Unstandard is not included in the 
nighly builds. Glenn, if you're reading this, could you add it please?

In the meantime, I've put my local build up here:


One little doubt:
> |<un:useConstants var="const" className="java.lang.Integer" />
> The constants are defined in an interface (not a class).
> ||
> public interface ContentType {
> public static final int FOLDER = 1;||
> public static final int URL = 2;
> :
> }
> ||Will the tag work the same?

Yes, it will work the same.

Martin Cooper

> Luca
> ||
> |
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