> Rahul wrote:
> > I'd recommend reading the JSP specification for the version of choice,
> > and then browsing the sources and documentation for taglibs of
> > interest from Jakarta Taglibs (or elsewhere). If you have specific
> > questions, feel free to ask.
> You missunderstand my question. I look for a way for documentation of my
> _own_ programs written using taglib libries. I want to generate html pages
> or other text documents (LaTeX or DocBook or...) from special formatted
> comment lines of my _own_ program.

For documenting your custom taglibs -- the JSP spec and taglib docs on
Jakarta Taglibs address both, taglibs users and authors of custom
taglibs who want TLD docs. If you use Maven, you can try the Maven
taglib plugin.

For documenting your JSPs (which I now think is your question) -- I'm
not much of a help here. I push for cleaner views, and I haven't
looked at alternatives that document JSP pages in the docbook style /
multi-format way you mention above. If you find anything worthwhile
(or anyone else knows of a useful recipe already), please let me know.


> ...Rolf

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