On 1/9/06, Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys.
> I've started to use taglibs-i18n in my project, and I was wandering if
> its possible to automatically generate the base resource files for
> taglibs-i18n's <i18n:bundle> automatically from my JSP files ?

Oded -

A base resource file is usually a straight copy of the one for your
most prevalent locale for your user base. It seems I've misunderstood
the question, please explain what "automatic generation from JSPs" is,
what is being generated and how that ties to the i18n:bundle tag.


> I've looked in the web, but either I don't know what to search for, or
> it doesn't exist, and the taglibs-i18n documentation is silent on the
> subject.
> --
> Oded Arbel

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