Ignoring the performance question for the moment, if that's your app's default bundle, why not just use:


That way you don't have to worry about explicitly setting the bundle on the pages where you want to use it. Read through Chapter 8 of the JSTL 1.1 Spec.

Getting back to performance, I think you'll find that once the bundle is loaded, it's actually cached so it won't get reloaded. You can test this out by hitting a JSP that uses the bundle, then editing the bundle and seeing if the changes are reflected in the app.

James Watkin wrote:
I'm revisiting some of my old JSP/JSTL code. I found that I used the following pattern because I must of thought it was a good idea for performance reasons. Do you think the test condition is really necessary? If I don't do the test, will every page hit reload the properties file, possibly from disk?

On every page*, should I use this:

<c:if test="${not applicationScope.bundleInitialized}">
    <fmt:setBundle scope="application" basename="ApplicationResources"/>
    <c:set var="bundleInitialized" scope="application" value="${true}"/>

or should I just use this instead?:

<fmt:setBundle scope="application" basename="ApplicationResources"/>

* I actually wouldn't have to explicitly put either option on every page, I could include or import it from a separate file.

- Jim

James Watkin
ACIS Software Development
UCLA Anderson School
Voice: 1-310-825-5030
  Fax: 1-310-825-4835

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