On 2/2/06, Stephen Souness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> More info:
> - the value is a string along the lines of :
> 165000.0
> So what I would expect to happen is:
>  - the decimal point and fractional 0 to be truncated
>  - a '$' symbol to be pre-pended
>  - a ',' between the '5' and the first '0' indicating thousands
> Each time Tomcat is restarted, the first load of the page shows:
> 165000.0
> subsequent page loads give the correct:
> $165,000

On Tomcat 5.0.28, JDK 1.4.2, JSTL 1.1, this JSP:

<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt"%>
<fmt:formatNumber value="165000.0" type="currency"
                  currencySymbol="$" maxFractionDigits="0" />

give me this output:


The first time, and every time beyond that. There's something else
going on in your setup. I can't say based on the information we have.


> --
> Stephen

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