
I'm currently performing a check on licensing for all libraries in use in a
current development project, and am rather confused about the JSTL jarfile.

An implementation of the JSTL spec classes (ie implementation of package
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl) is available in the taglibs svn repo:
The source files contain Apache 2.0 licenses.

However when downloading the prebuilt binary, the MANIFEST.MF within that
file contains no licensing information, and credits Sun Microsystems as the
vendor. This is in fact consistent with the build.xml file, which does
indeed specify Sun as the vendor:

Just to add to the confusion, Apache Tomcat 5.5.16 contains a jstl.jar file
in an example directory. This file's MANIFEST.MF lists Sun as the vendor and
has a version number of 1.1.0-D13. As there is no trace of "D13" in any
build.xml file (including tagged 1.1.0-FINAL release etc) I presume that
this jar is NOT from the jakarta taglibs project.

And JBoss Application Server includes Tomcat, but the jstl.jar file bundled
as part of that is different yet again; it has an "Implementation-URL" entry
referring to JBoss.

Can anyone explain why a jar built by Apache from source code held in Apache
svn, copyrighted Apache and licensed under the ASL2.0 should have
"Implementation-Vendor: Sun Microsystems Ltd." in the MANIFEST.MF? And can
anyone suggest how I might determine which (if any) of the jstl jars
available from taglib project, tomcat or jboss can be redistributed under
the terms of the ASL2.0?



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