
I have been studying taglibs and beans for days now, and am still confused about some things, but for now a simple question (I hope..) re uri:

let's take JSTL.. the jstl.jar for my app is here..


yet the uri for it in taglib directive in JSP (and in <uri> tag in tld) is


how does the container find the classes in /WEB-INF/lib/jstl.jar when the uri points to an outside url? (and the classes are not at this url either..;)

hope this question makes sense.. in oreilly (JSP, 3rd ed, ch7) it says the 'uri' attr in taglib directive in JSP is there to find "the class or tag file for each custom action." Then in the very next sentence it says, "the attribute contains a string the container uses to locate the TLD for the library.." but it points to a uri for the classes, right? (or tag files..) not the tld..

(and come to think of it, why is this necessary at all, since the <tag> element in the tld always has a reference to the class (like the web.xml for servlets always contains a ref to the servlet class..) and if using tag files like this:


so, what exactly is the point of the uri and what DOES it point to really? thank you..


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