Thank you for the hint, it worked quite well.


Kris Schneider schrieb:
thomas rimmele-nguyen wrote:
Tomcat 5.0.27

Look in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml for the jsp servlet (org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet) and set its enablePooling init-param to false.

Does it have a big impact on performance?

Hard to say. It's likely app and tag dependent. First, see if it solves your memory issue. If it does, then decide if the app's performance is still acceptable. If it is, ship it! ;-)

If the app's performance isn't acceptable with pooling disabled, keep using the profiler to be sure you're identifying the real performance issues...

Kris Schneider schrieb:

thomas rimmele-nguyen wrote:


I was searching a memory leak in our application. A profiler told me that there are standard tags (probably sleeping in a pool) that are holding the references to our objects. Especially the items-variable in the forEach-tag seems to be very greedy in our application.

When I modified the standard-tag code (call a Tag.release() within every TryCatchFinally.doFinally()), our objects were garbage-collected as desired.

The javadoc of javax.servlet.jsp..Tag tells, that the call of release() is NOT guaranteed for every usage of a Tag. So everything seems to be ok, no bug.

But does anybody have good advice how I could reduce the amount of bound memory?

One option would be to disable tag pooling. Which app server are you using?



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