cyrille ndata wrote:
> Hi all , sorry just to ask a generic question, why there isn't a logo for
> TAHOE ? I already know that allmydata is the major sponsor of Tahoe, so to
> refer to Tahoe, can allmydata logo be used???

Allmydata, Inc. *was* the major sponsor of Tahoe, but it no longer is
so we do need a Tahoe-LAFS logo.

Kevin Reid wrote:
> I recall designing a logo and discussing it with Zooko, but not  
> whether it was not accepted or accepted and not deployed:
>   <>

The PNG <> looks quite
different (e.g. font, kerning, antialiasing, spacing, colour and shape of
the 'o'), to the SVG as rendered by Firefox. Which is closer to the intent?

David-Sarah Hopwood  ⚥

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