Hi Zooko,

Thanks for your reply.

> I like the idea of starting with the case of just two introducers. I
> hadn't thought of that before. Is that your plan?

Yes, that's I'm trying to do. At first I'm considering to modify
client code so that it can listen to multiple introducers.

>> Do you recommend me to append it with ticket #68 or create a new page for it 
>> ?
> Please append it to ticket #68 at least for now.

Please have a look on the modified version of my Dual Introducer
Scenario1 which should be more useful than the first one. Inter
introducer subscription is not considered here. Could you please add
your comments on it?

> But you should appreciate from the beginning that we like the fact
> that limiting the introducer's job to just introduction/discovery
> limits the amount of damage that the introducer can do (and also makes
> the introducer implementation nice and simple).

In this first use-case, I think I don't need to touch the introducer
code. I hope to consider Inter-introducer subscriptions after testing
this simple one.

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