On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 05:34:12PM +0100, Samuel Neves wrote:
> Why not use Comb4P with some normal KDF, such as PBKDF2? Comb4P is
> already being planned for hashing, anyway.

Hmm. Using a Comb4P hash here did not occur to me.

Some definite PBKDF2 advantages:

- Supports arbitrary sized inputs

- Internal state is as large as the internal PRFs; in the typical case
  of HMAC, that's however big the internal hash's state is. For a
  Comb4P 512+512 hash, that would be at least 1024 bits if not more,
  which is certainly plenty by any stretch.

- Totally standard and well-specified (which I think is an advantage
  not to be underestimated).

- Built-in iteration support. I don't know if it is worth using
  necessarily, considering the inputs will all be high-entropy rather
  than human-{chosen,memorized,postitnoted} passwords, but it _may_
  still offer benefits.

Immediately obvious downsides:

- Perhaps slower than what is really necessary, especially if
  iteration is used. Don't know if this is relevant to the use case.

- Doesn't natively support multiple different tagged inputs for
  salting/parameterization. They would instead have to be combined
  using an invertible (ie, unambigious) encoding and all placed into
  the salt. Obnoxious, but then again few (if any) KDFs support this
  natively, so we're stuck with it regardless.

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