On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Garonda Rodian <deeps...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Back to the original topic, Precise Puppy 5.7.1 on a physical box, quad core 
> i7 with 4GB of RAM has now successfully completed one test, 100% local, with 
> two storage nodes, one Introducer, and on client/Gateway, once I figured out 
> which ports in the config files are used for what.  Up to a 1GB file was 
> uploaded without a problem, though it appears that the bottleneck was the 
> gateway with a CPU bottleneck.  Regrettably, it looks like profiling the 
> Python code will require altering the python code, so I've got to figure out 
> how to do that so I can see where the slow point is.

There is a "--profile" option to the "tahoe start" command. I haven't
used it in a long time, and there are no automated tests of it, so it
might be bit-roitted. (I just opened ticket #2091.)

Oh yeah, ticket #1558 says that it uses the default "hotshot"
profiler, which isn't reliable.

https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1558# don't use hotshot
as profiler for 'tahoe start --profile'

It is probably easy to change. I think you just edit this code here:


and add something like:

    if opts["profile"]:
"--savestats", "--profiler=cprofile"])

In the meantime, You might be able to find out some or all of what you
want to know by running oprofile while running your Tahoe-LAFS

https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2091# make automated
test of the --profile feature

Please report back to this mailing list what you learn! Thanks!

Also possibly of interest:



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